
Customer Experience: What is Generation Z looking for when purchasing a vehicle?

In a new study on the behavior of Generation Z when buying a vehicle, ISC-CX was able to gain exciting insights. Read here what should not be missed when buying a vehicle.

Generation Z, described as those born between 1995 and 2010, is known for shaking up and changing the job market. The generation that was the first to grow up completely digital and with smartphones believes in a good work-life balance and rethinks classic work models. In addition, many young people are committed to climate protection and their future. Have you wondered about the purchasing behavior of the young generation? Does car ownership and climate protection go together in their eyes? We wanted to find out more so we conducted a Europe-wide study at the beginning of 2023.

Convincing driving experience

The study shows that most respondents (still) drive a vehicle with an internal combustion engine - mainly for cost reasons. However, e-vehicles are particularly convincing because of the sustainability aspect and the driving experience. Now you can read what car manufacturers and dealers should pay attention to when communicating with the young Generation Z and which brand is the most popular in our brand-new study.

Click here for the study: What is Generation Z looking for when purchasing a vehicle?

Whether Generation Z, Millennials or Baby Boomers - they all have one thing in common when buying a vehicle: they want a good shopping experience - and they want it across all channels. Anyone who configures a vehicle online and requests an appointment for a test drive and then never gets a call back will most likely opt for another brand where the customer journey works better.

ISC-CX has been offering global customer experience programs for more than 20 years. Among the more than one million testers are also many from Generation Z. Through omni-channel customer experience programs, ISC-CX's clients have been able to identify many potential improvements and significantly increase customer experience and sales.

Do you want to know how a customer experience program in the automotive sector works? Our colleagues will be happy to help!

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